Online Programming

CSE 110 - Principles of Programming

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Every day, computers and algorithms touch the lives of everyone around us in both mundane and profound ways. These algorithms are in the plants and distribution systems that bring you clean water and electricity, sensors that moderate the flow of traffic, in the tractors and combines that sow and harvest our food, and in the satellites that measure and predict the weather trends. If you are curious about what computers can do and how we instruct them to do those things - this course is for you. No prior programming experience is needed for this course. In addition to exposure to programming, you will gain a powerful set of thinking and problem-solving skills that you can use in your daily life. Start taking advantage of the power of computers around us to make our world a better place.

Course prerequisites and requirements

To be successful in this course, we recommend English language fluency and computer literacy. We also encourage you to make sure your laptop or desktop computer meets the technical requirements.

MAT 117 College Algebra is strongly suggested as a prerequisite for success in this course.

Quick facts

Next start date:

May 20, 2025 (12 weeks)

Aug. 19, 2025 (16 weeks)

  • Credits: 3
  • Length: On-demand, 12 or 16 weeks
  • Cost: $25 + $400

What you’ll learn

  • Demonstrate problem solving techniques for programming
  • Develop algorithms to solve problems. Demonstrate effective troubleshooting, testing, and debugging of programs
  • Describe and apply variables, basic and composite data types, and collections to the development of programs
  • Develop programs using fundamental structures of sequence, selection, and iteration
  • Write functions that accept parameters and return results
  • Implement object-oriented programs
  • Describe the importance and relevance of computing and programming skills in our lives and careers

What to expect in class

Video lectures, readings, skill challenges, project challenges, discussions, optional live meetings with the instructor, midterm exam and final exam

Exams and grading


Readings & Activities


Individual Assignments




Midterm Exam


Final Exam


This course appears on your transcript identically to how it appears on the transcript of an enrolled ASU student who has taken the course on one of ASU’s campuses. Course attendance dates will be listed on your transcript. An on-demand course will appear on your transcript in the session you complete the course.

This course satisfies 3 credit hours toward the QTRS: Quantitative Reasoning General Studies requirement at Arizona State University. It is strongly encouraged that you consult with your institution of choice to determine how these credits will be applied to their degree requirements prior to transferring your credit.

Faculty and course staff




Associate Teaching Professor,

Engineering Academic & Student Affairs

Arizona State University

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Online Course Manager,

Learning Enterprise

Arizona State University

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Why take ASU Universal Learner Courses

  1. Credit you receive is from a regionally accredited university
  2. Your credit is highly transferable
  3. You only pay the $400 course cost if you pass

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