Online Culture and Health

HCR 230 - Culture and Health


What really is ‘culture’ and who decides what creates it? Is it what language we speak and where we grew up or does it go beyond that to encompass what we believe, think, and value? In this course you will unpack some of those questions and extend them into the field of healthcare. You’ll take a look at the U.S. as well as other countries to examine health, illness, and how healthcare is delivered. You will also unpack barriers to intercultural communication and strategies to not only overcome these but to improve upon them. Cultural competency is increasingly important in not only health care but every single industry - come find out more about what it means - and how it applies to you - in this course!

Course prerequisites and requirements

To be successful in this course, we recommend English language fluency and computer literacy. We also encourage you to make sure your laptop or desktop computer meets the technical requirements.

Quick facts

Next start date:

Oct. 14, 2025 (8 weeks)

  • Credits: 3
  • Length: On-demand or 8 weeks
  • Cost: $25 + $400

What you’ll learn

  • Discuss the concept of Cultural Competency in relation to National standards for Cultural and Linguistic Appropriate services (NCLAS)
  • Identify cultural influences on one’s own beliefs and values
  • Apply models for assessing client cultural orientations, healthcare expectations, psychosocial structures, language, and communication patterns to individuals from different ethnic groups
  • Evaluate the importance of the role culture plays in determining how different people perceive and shape their world
  • Describe the impact of US and non-U.S. cultural definitions of health, illness and disease causation on an individual’s health maintenance practices and response to healers
  • Compare and contrast healing and treatment methods of various cultures with those of the Western health care delivery system and assess their influence upon that system
  • Identify cultural strengths and barriers that influence utilization of healthcare services
  • Explore variations in family structure and dynamics across U.S. and non-U.S. cultures
  • Explore cultural components of the aging process and dying and death across cultures
  • Identify strategies for delivery of culture-specific care based on the evaluation of cultural assessment data

What to expect in class

Videos, readings, written assignments, interactive exercises, case studies, discussions, quizzes, and papers


This course appears on your transcript identically to how it appears on the transcript of an enrolled ASU student who has taken the course on one of ASU’s campuses. Course attendance dates will be listed on your transcript. An on-demand course will appear on your transcript in the session you complete the course.

This course satisfies 3 credit hours toward the GCSI: Global Communities, Societies and Individuals General Studies requirements for Arizona State University. It is strongly encouraged that you consult with your institution of choice to determine how these credits will be applied to their degree requirements prior to transferring your credit.

Faculty and course staff





Edson College Health Innovation

Arizona State University

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Why take ASU Universal Learner Courses

  1. Credit you receive is from a regionally accredited university
  2. Your credit is highly transferable
  3. You only pay the $400 course cost if you pass

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